Real Life Stories
To prevent domestic abuse we need to bring it out into the open and acknowledge and educate through true survivor stories.
Women and children suffering from domestic abuse often feel abandoned and alone, too scared to ask for help. Here are real-life quotes from survivors of domestic abuse who have stayed at the refuge.
“Thank you for having me and for the support to find a new place.”
“On arrival I felt very nervous and scared but soon became comfortable and settled and this goes for my son as well. My time here has been happy and I have grown in confidence.”
“As a whole my time went really well at Gilgal, the staff were welcoming and very supportive, I have found my voice again.”
“I believe in myself again.”
“My problems were listened to and I felt very comfortable staying there.”
We need to fight against domestic abuse and at Gilgal Birmingham we are passionate about prevention, as well as providing a safe house for women who need it.
More stories coming soon.
I think I'm being abused
Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, threatening or violent behaviour can be deemed domestic abuse.
Someone I know is being abused
You may know a friend, colleague, neighbour, sister, cousin or mum who is experiencing domestic abuse behind closed doors.
Friends of Gilgal
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Get in Touch
We aim to provide a quality and sensitive service in a safe environment. If you feel intimidated, controlled or silenced, that’s abuse. Whether its psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional – get help now, we want to listen.